Large size true color LCD display Hematology Analyzer
Functions Twenty-three three-category, three color histograms on the same screen
detection speed is not less than 60 samples / hour
New high-precision micro blood processing technology, using only 9.6 microliters of blood sample
venous blood, peripheral blood, pre-dilution three measurement modes and three automatic approval procedures
Automatic cleaning function of inner and outer surfaces of suction needle
Automatic intelligent diagnosis and maintenance functions
Real-time monitoring of high-pressure burning, automatic draining, forward and reverse punching and discharging function
Intelligent floating landmarks, support manual adjustment
Reagent residue detection and fully enclosed reagent line
Quality control mode: L-J diagram, X-B, SD, CV, X-R quality control mode
Large size true color TFT high brightness LCD display
Full Chinese version color interface, graphical button operation, support a variety of online fast Chinese input
Automatically store all parameters of 12,000 samples and three histograms, and can be combined according to various conditions.
Eight sets of reference values can be selected automatically or manually
Double-reverse swirling and intelligent fitting technology to ensure reliable platelet counting
Built-in high-speed thermal recorder and a variety of Chinese and English report formats, optional with a variety of external printers, support for bar code scanning
Built-in USB interface, convenient information exchange
Adjustable sampling needle, available in a variety of blood collection containers
Parameter measurement repeatability tolerance, CV
WBC ≤2.0%
RBC ≤1.9%
HGB ≤1.9%
MCV ≤0.4%
PLT ≤4.0%
Cross contamination rate WBC≤2.0%, RBC≤1.0%, HGB≤2.0%, PLT ≤2.0% Test items WBC (lymphocyte) Lymph# (lymphocyte) Mid# (intermediate cell)
Gran# (neutrophil) Lymph% (% of lymphocytes) Mid% (% of intermediate cells)
Gran% (% of neutrophils) RBC (red blood cells) HGB (hemoglobin)
HCT (hematocrit) MCV (mean red blood cell volume)
MCH (mean erythrocyte hemoglobin content) MCHC (mean erythrocyte hemoglobin concentration)
RDW-SD (red blood cell distribution width - standard deviation) RDW-CV (red blood cell distribution width - coefficient of variation)
PLT (platelet) MPV (mean platelet volume) PDW (platelet distribution width)
PCT (platelet pressure) P-LCR (large platelet ratio)
WBC Histogram RBC Histogram (Red Cell Histogram)
PLT Histogram (platelet histogram)